Metatrader 5 - No history data

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Metatrader 5 - No history data

Post by newk0001 »

Hello and good day to all. I am using MT5 Version 5.00 Build 3030. I cannot post new questions apparently so I figured this is the most relevant place to post this. Anyways, I have followed the video walk-through located here: ... tatrader_5 and I have also followed the instructions located here: ... atrader-5/. I have done them both many times and have spent the better part of the day doing them both multiple times. No matter what I try nothing works. When I click Start to begin a test I get an error message stating "

Code: Select all

2021.08.31 17:37:25.625	Tester	EURUSD_tickstory: no history data from 2020.08.31 00:00 to 2021.08.30 00:00
". I have searched the support forum for a solution to this but I could not locate one. Please assist me in finding a solution to this. It is an amazing product but if I can't use it it's kind of a deal breaker. Anyways, thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you. Have a great day.
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Re: Metatrader 5 - No history data

Post by tickstory »

Hi Newk0001,

The first thing you should check is whether there is data available by going to View->Symbols->Bars and select the Symbol you are testing with and the time-frame (M1, M5, etc). Is there data shown when you select the start and end dates and press the 'Request' button? If not, something wrong happened during the import of your data.

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Re: Metatrader 5 - No history data

Post by newk0001 »

Yes, there is M1 Bar data available as well as Tick data and I must apologize in advance for posting my previous message. It seems that I was the problem and it wasn't anything to do with MT5 OR Tickstory software. So, just for anyone that may have the same problem in the future I will explain what I did to obtain the correct results I was looking for. Following the guides set forth by Tickstory support in my previous post did obtain the relevant data, both M1 Bar data and Tick data. The problem was that when I went to import the M1 Bar data to MT5 I had not selected the proper time frame from within the custom symbol creation window in MT5. I needed Daily bars in MT5 to use in the Strategy Tester; which from my understanding are created from the M1 data exported from Tickstory. So the data was being imported just fine but it was forming M1 Bars which I was unknowingly trying to use as Daily Bars in the Strategy Tester and that is where the error was coming from about there being no history data available. So, in summary the fix was to ensure that BEFORE importing Bar data in the MT5 custom symbol creation wizard I needed to select whatever time frame I was planning on working with in the Strategy Tester. After I did that all errors went away and things worked as they were expected to. Thank you for your time and for your previous response @tickstory. I appreciate it and I hope this helps someone else someday.
Last edited by newk0001 on Fri Sep 03, 2021 3:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Metatrader 5 - No history data

Post by tickstory »

Thanks newk0001 for the explanation of what went wrong - I'm sure it will help someone! The "M1" time-frame is noted in our guide but it's easy to overlook these sorts of things sometimes.

Kind regards.
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