Problems with custom data giving incorrect indicator values.

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Problems with custom data giving incorrect indicator values.

Post by PeteS62 »


I've been working on an EA in MT5 that uses the Ichimoku indicator and testing using data I downloaded from here. I had followed the instructions on this site to create accurate EURUSD data and it was all looking good until I started working with the .ChinkouSpan element.
While the tooltip and display look 'sensible' the value returned from the .ChinkouSpan(26) function seems to be stuck at 1.79+308?

I initially thought this was a programming issue, so I tested a really simple example from an MQL5 article by Mohamed Abdelmaaboud. That gave the same issue. I thought maybe it was something with my PC and checked it on my laptop, only for it to work, but the laptop was using broker data.

So I tried when I try again on my main pc using data from my broker it seems to work fine.

It seems odd that the only problem I have noticed is with this one part of the Ichimoku indicator and even that is only with the mql5 funtion to get the value rather than on the indicator tooltip or chart display.

I'm in the process of downloading the GBPJPY to see if that shows the same problem.

Any ideas why this maybe? Should I just download the EURUSD again?

Thank you.
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